I meant to post more of these ‘Conversations Over Coffee’ posts this year but I’m not going to lie, I completely forgot about this series! This series is meant to be interactive like you’re having a coffee with a friend at a cafe. I’m going to bring up three topics down below. Feel free to comment on either one or all three topics, or bring up another topic and I’ll reply when I get the chance. I’m also going to try my best to post these more often seeing as I do want this to become a series. Maybe once every two months? We will see.
As much as I enjoy taking my own cute photos, I decided to try out a stock photo for this edition of Conversations Over Coffee. Let me know if you prefer me to use my own photos or if you don’t care. haha
Imagine, it’s a hot sizzling summer day and you are in desperate need of a refreshing iced drink. You pop into a cafe that’s hidden by the shade and empty. You place an order for a cold drink and pick a seat near the front window so you can still appreciate this gorgeous summer day but with the AC nearby. You are enjoying this time by yourself so much but wish you had a special friend to share this moment with. You text a dear friend who lives close by and ask them if they’re free to come chitchat for a while you’re in the area. They reply ‘Yes!’ and you smile. As you wait for them to arrive you look outside at the clear blue sky and see a group of birds flying together. This moment is pure bliss.
I’m currently in the middle of a mermaid readathon. I’ve been reading like a madwoman, I’ve read 7 books so far but still have 3 that I would like to finish before Sunday! I originally wanted to do Mermaid May but whilst on my search for mermaid books I came across this book channel that mentioned a Mermaid Readathon happening in July so I decided to wait. I’m currently in the middle of this reading challenge but so far it’s been fun! I’ve been doing daily Instagram challenges and learned a lot about mermaids! haha
Lana said it best, “I got that summertime, summertime sadness'“ Summer always depresses me. The heat, the bugs, too many people when I go out, the reminder I’m getting older, wanting to go on trips because other people are on summer holidays. I’ve always wondered if I have the reverse seasonal affective disorder because I get so depressed during the summer but I thrive in the colder darker months. I mean I have depression all year long but it feels heavier during the summer.
It’s my 31st birthday this Sunday. It’s such a strange number to type out, 31. It’s funny, I always end up crying on my birthday (I’m such a Cancer), it feels rather cathartic seeing as I came into this world crying, I might as well celebrate by doing the first thing I did. haha
I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. I’ve been looking for cute restaurants and places around my area that I might want to visit but I haven’t found anything yet. If you live around the Atlanta area and know of any cute places to visit let me know.
Happy birthday in advance, Michelle! Couldn’t agree more about the summertime sadness (fueled by the same reasons as you). Something that’s been helping me is regularly watching the July sunset skies with a glass of chilled mocktail. You can try and see if it works for you too!